General OVerview

Do you think you have what it takes to be an LSM Stringer? If so, please fill out the application below. If you have any questions regarding the application process, feel free to reach out to us via the Contact page.

How The Process WORKS

The media world may be new to you; so you may be wondering how the media sale process works. It starts with you recording, editing, and then uploading your media package to our Content Distribution Network (CDN). Once uploaded, an LSM representative will review and price your package accordingly. This process typically takes less than 30 minutes, but can sometimes take longer during the overnight hours. Media entities are then able to view, and potentially buy, your package. If a package is bought, you’ll then be paid out your cut of the sale (your cut will be outlined in your Agency Agreement). Sales are usually paid out quarterly since the media entities tend to pay us quarterly. You’ll get your check in the mail at that point. Overall, it is a simple process. Let us know if you have any questions!

Stringer FAQ

Q: I have submitted my application and I have not heard back yet. What should I do?
A: There can be a few reasons for this. One being we are not interested in continuing with your application. Another reason could be that something went wrong with your application on our side of things and was lost. If you think this was the reason, feel free to reach out to us.

Q: Are there minimum qualifications to apply?
A: There are not any minimum qualifications per se, however, we will only continue with applications that make sense to continue with. You must have good video shooting and rendering skills and obviously have some storm chasing experience.

Q: Am I considered an employee if offered a position?
A: No. All of our stringers are considered 1099 type contractors.

Q: I have submitted my application. What should I expect next?
A: If we want to proceed with your application, we will reach out. You can expect a voice or video interview with us via Zoom or another method. We will talk about more information at that point if we decide to bring you on.